Pomiń do głównej zawartości

Opis kursu

The main aim of the course is to raise the competences of people being prepared for teaching work with children at a younger school age or supplementing their qualifications in designing and conducting classes on education for entrepreneurship for the youngest students. The course content can also inspire parents and caregivers interested in education (for) entrepreneurship.


The following skills are required to complete the course:

  • operation of the computer and peripheral devices,
  • practical knowledge of application programs,
  • using web browser,
  • work with information from traditional and online sources,
  • individual and team work,
  • work with the Navoica educational platform.


    Course attendant:

  • will organize the concepts related to financial education and education for entrepreneurship, which are part of economic education;
  • will discover the pedagogical potential of the everyday knowledge about money of children and the regularity of introducing children to the world of money;
  • will be inspired to independently create educational projects based on the learned examples;
  • will learn about selected examples of initiatives undertaken in order to promote financial education among the youngest students, develop their economic competences and shape an entrepreneurial attitude.


    MODULE 0

    In Module 0, the participant completes an initial evaluation questionnaire, gets acquainted with the structure of the course and the content of individual thematic modules, and also takes part in a discussion on education for entrepreneurship, which is one of the answers to the constantly changing reality.

    MODULE 1

    In Module 1, the participant gets acquainted with the concepts related to economic education, has the opportunity to organize the concepts related to financial education and education (for) entrepreneurship.

    MODULE 2

    In Module 2, the course participant learns the regularities of introducing children to the world of money. The participant learns about the ability to diagnose understanding the value of money by a child and learns about the characteristics of children’s competences in terms of understanding the constant value of money, the ability to make money calculations and reasonable money management.

    MODULE 3

    Module 3 deals with the reasons why money is not an easy subject for research and scientific analysis. The module reveals to the participant the educational value of the children’s everyday knowledge about money. The participant learns how, in a very simple way, it is possible to get to know the common-sense knowledge of children about money and see signs of their entrepreneurship in it.

    MODULE 4

    Module 4 introduce the participant to the educational project in economic education of the youngest students. The participant learns the methodology of financial education on the example of a selected educational package, including the method of Economic Research Stations, as well as the methodology of introducing children to the art of constructing board games with a financial thread.

    MODULE 5

    In Module 5, the participant finds short descriptions of initiatives undertaken in order to promote financial education among the youngest students, develop their economic competences and shape an entrepreneurial attitude. The participant has the opportunity test their knowledge in a test covering the content of the entire course and express their opinion about the course in the final evaluation questionnaire. The Sources and Materials tab includes, among others, a list of all source materials used in the course.


    Reading the content of all modules, participation in discussion forums and carrying out all the tasks included in the course will help you successfully achieve the goals of the course. The terms for competing the course and receiving the certificate are obtaining 70% of all test tasks (quizzes and tests). Completing the scored tasks included in the quizzes constitutes 20% of the mark, and in the test – 80% of the mark.

    There are 3 types of tasks in the course:

    1. scored test tasks (quiz) in modules 1-4, consolidating and checking the participant’s knowledge;

    2. tasks related to the discussion forum (expressing your opinion on a given topic, e.g. listened to lecture, read article, analysed lesson scenarios, created plan of an educational project;

    3. final test (scored), summarizing the entire course.


    dr Renata Raszka

    Dr. Renata Raszka – author of the course

    University of Silesia in Katowice

    Research and teaching interests: economic education in grades 1-3 of primary school; education for entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on individual entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial environment (i.e. economic education and financial education); preparing future educators to use entrepreneurial didactics in developing the competences of initiative and entrepreneurship of the youngest students; methodology of mathematical education for preschool and early school age children; information and communication technologies in the teaching-learning and education process; media education.


    Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego „MOOC dla nauk o edukacji” POWR.03.01.00-00-W027/18